Hello travellers, today I just wanted to say welcome to the new website and thank you for checking it out. This is a new type of post category that is going to be 'blog posts'. Posts in this category will be more varied and I'm still working out what they will feature. But I'm thinking mainly site updates, life updates or when I'm travelling again, it will be about things happening on the road.

This particular post is about the website and the logo refresh. As I mentioned in the video above, I recently started teaching myself a new video editing software called Davinci Resolve. Which for the standard base version is actually free. And while I was in that software remaking my old video titles, I decided why not give them all a fresh update and a cleaner look. And then that kind of snowballed into refreshing the logo and website too.

The whole process took probably about a month or just under to finish but I'm quite happy with the results and plan to do regular updates to keep it fresh and helpful. The previous website had become a bit of a burden where I just slapped the video link and didnt add anything extra. But this time I plan to make the website more useful with additional content to compliment the video or other things. You can leave a comment below if you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in more in depth posts.

But thats about if for now. Thank you again for reading and see you in the next post.